Author: Joe Niamtu III DMD FAACS
Edition: Har/Cdr
Publisher: Mosby
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0323074006
Cosmetic Facial Surgery, 1e
Take your practice to the next level! Cosmetic Facial Surgery provides a highly illustrated, case-based approach to common face and neck procedures. Medical books Cosmetic Facial Surgery, 1e. In this full-color reference, internationally renowned surgeon Joe Niamtu III, DMD, covers techniques including brow, face, and neck lifts; nose, eye, and ear surgery; cosmetic surgery practice with discussions of the process of facial aging, diagnosing and consulting with patients, clinical digital facial implants; skin resurfacing; the use of neurotoxins; and the removal of skin lesions. The book also prepares you for photography, and anesthesia considerations. In a companion DVD, video clips feature Dr. Niamtu demonstrating key procedures addressed in the text Medical books Cosmetic Facial Surgery, 9780323074001. Cosmetic Facial Surgery, ISBN-13: 9780323074001, ISBN-10: 0323074006
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Medical Book Cosmetic Facial Surgery, 1e
In this full-color reference, internationally renowned surgeon Joe Niamtu III, DMD, covers techniques including brow, face, and neck lifts; nose, eye, and ear surgery; cosmetic surgery practice with discussions of the process of facial aging, diagnosing and consulting with patients, clinical digital facial implants; skin resurfacing; the use of neurotoxins; and the removal of skin lesions. The book also prepares you for photography, and anesthesia considerations. In a companion DVD, video clips feature Dr. Niamtu demonstrating key procedures addressed in the text.
- Comprehensive coverage includes the full range of surgical procedures from the upper face to the lower face/neck area.
- Over 3,000 full-color photos show surgical techniques and before-and-after shots of actual cases done by Dr. Niamtu.
- A DVD includes videos of procedures performed by the author, bringing complicated procedures to life.
- Accessible, easy-to-grasp descriptions, written in an engaging, first-person narrative, explain concepts based on real cases and on Dr. Niamtu's experience.