Publisher: Red Toad Road Company
(research, theory) Psychotherapy Relationships that Work (ISBN 0195143469) edited by John Norcross, Ph.D. (14 CE Credits or 14 CME credits only, book not included)
TRAINING OBJECTIVES are to learn the following: The empirical evidence supporting the therapeutic relationship in treatment outcomes, what are the effective elements of the relationship, what client factors influence treatment outcomes, what relationship variables show promise as influential in treatment outcomes, what client factors show promise as influential in treatment outcomes, the conclusions of the Division 29 Task Force, the recommendations of the Division 29 Task Force. Medical books (research, theory) Psychotherapy Relationships that Work (ISBN 0195143469) edited by John Norcross, Ph.D. .
... Medical books .

Medical Book (research, theory) Psychotherapy Relationships that Work (ISBN 0195143469) edited by John Norcross, Ph.D.
- 14 CE/CME Credits, 70-item test
- The Red Toad Road Company is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Red Toad Road Company maintains responsibility for this program and its contents.
- 2-For-1 Offer. Purchase one set of CE credits and get a second set of CE credits free of charge for the same course. Notify the RTR Company of the names of the 2 participants within 30-days of purchase to keep this offer in force.
- Accepted by most state licensing boards for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors
- CE/CME Credits only (book not included)
CE/CME CREDITS ONLY: Please note that you must already have access to the training material (book, etc.) for this CE/CME course to purchase the CE/CME packet (CE/CME credits, test, training objectives rating form) by itself. If you do not already have access, then purchase the training material together with the CE/CME packet by searching for the combination (training material + CE/CME packet) by browsing under the title of the training material in the RTR store..........................
DESCRIPTION: For a description of the course, search for this course (training material + CE/CME packet) by browsing under the title of the training material in the RTR store.........................
CE/CME Procedures: (1.) Purchase a CE/CME packet (CE/CME credits, test, training objectives rating form), which will be shipped within two days. (2.) Return the CE test within three years of purchase. (3.) Receive a certificate of completion within one week of returning your passing test (75% or more correct). Failed tests can be retaken